Best Dog Grooming kits for Your Pets in kathmandu

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”– Josh Billings


Best Dog Grooming kits for Your Pets in kathmandu

Dogs are family ,make them also you’re part of family. Grooming kits usually include various different tools for brushing ,clipping, bathing and trimming. To concern with Kukur Tihar, we have bringing combo grooming  kits with reasonable cost.

A)Dental Care, Paws Care, Reusable Pet fur Removal @ Rs 2050

B)Reusable Pet For Remover, Soap Epotic Quickly Defeats Muddy  Rs 2200

C)Bearing Shampoo Bath Gloves with Dry ShampooRs.2400

D)Shampoo Bath Stoup Disposable Bath Towel, Hair Removable Roller and Nail Cutter Rs 3100


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